Contoh Narrative Text – Goldilocks And The Three Bears

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Goldilocks And The Three Bears

Once there were three bears that lived in a house in the woods: a papa bear, a mama bear, and a baby bear. One morning they decided to take a walk before breakfast to let their porridge cool.

A little girl named Goldilocks lived with her mother nearby. Goldilocks took a walk through the woods and found the bear’s house. She smelled the porridge in the kitchen and went inside. Goldilocks tasted the porridge in each bowl and finally ate up the porridge in the small bowl. Then she sat on a big chair, but she didn’t like it, because it was hard. Afterwards she sat on the small chair, and it was just right. But while she was sitting on it she broke it. After eating the porridge, Goldilocks felt full and sleepy, and then she went upstairs. There she found a small bed. She lay down on it and fell asleep.

While she was sleeping, the three bears came home. When they went into the kitchen, they got very surprised. Someone had tasted their porridge, even eaten up baby bear’s porridge, while they were taking a walk. Moreover the poor baby bear was upset when he found that his little chair broke into pieces. When they went upstairs, they found out that Goldilocks was sleeping. Baby bear cried out, “Someone has been sleeping in my bed and here she is!”

Goldilocks woke up when she saw the three bears; she jumped out of bed and ran out of the house to her home. Never again did she make herself at home in anyone else’s house.

(Source: Dit. PSMP, 2006)


Goldilocks dan Tiga Beruang

Dahulu kala ada tiga beruang yang tinggal di sebuah rumah di hutan: seekor beruang ayah, seekor beruang ibu, dan seekor beruang bayi. Suatu pagi mereka memutuskan untuk berjalan-jalan sebelum sarapan agar bubur mereka dingin.

Seorang gadis kecil bernama Goldilocks tinggal bersama ibunya di dekat situ. Goldilocks berjalan-jalan di hutan dan menemukan rumah beruang itu. Dia mencium bau bubur di dapur dan masuk ke dalam. Goldilocks mencicipi bubur di setiap mangkuk dan akhirnya menghabiskan bubur di mangkuk kecil. Kemudian dia duduk di kursi besar, tetapi dia tidak menyukainya, karena keras. Setelah itu dia duduk di kursi kecil, dan itu pas. Tetapi saat dia duduk di kursi itu, dia mematahkannya. Setelah makan bubur, Goldilocks merasa kenyang dan mengantuk, lalu dia naik ke atas. Di sana dia menemukan tempat tidur kecil. Dia berbaring di atasnya dan tertidur.

Saat dia tidur, ketiga beruang itu pulang. Ketika mereka pergi ke dapur, mereka sangat terkejut. Seseorang telah mencicipi bubur mereka, bahkan memakan bubur bayi beruang, saat mereka berjalan-jalan. Lebih jauh lagi, bayi beruang yang malang itu kesal ketika ia mendapati kursi kecilnya hancur berkeping-keping. Ketika mereka naik ke atas, mereka mendapati Goldilocks sedang tidur. Bayi beruang itu berteriak, “Seseorang telah tidur di tempat tidurku dan ini dia!”

Goldilocks terbangun ketika ia melihat tiga beruang; ia melompat dari tempat tidur dan berlari keluar rumah menuju rumahnya. Ia tidak pernah lagi merasa betah di rumah orang lain.

(Sumber: Dit. PSMP, 2006)

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