Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh😊



In a mountain village there lived a man called Sedet who learned his living for himself, his young son, and his wife by catching birds each day and selling them. One night as he lay asleep Sedet dreamed that the sun was high in the sky. Startled, Sedet woke up, and believing that it was day-time, he took his blowpipe and set off along the edge of the jungle. It was still dark. All the birds were asleep in the trees, so every time that he sent a dart from the blowpipe it hit its mark. The dart did not kill the birds, but merely stunned them. He tied the birds to his belt. Soon the birds filled up all the space around the belt. When the sun rose and it was light, he set off for home.

However, on his way back through the jungle he met a ti­ger. Just as the tiger was about to eat him, all the birds around his waist, startled by the tiger’s growls, suddenly his belt broke. Sedet fell and landed in the king’s garden unconscious.

The night before, the king’s daughter, Princess Sri, had dreamed that her future husband fell into her garden. Her fa­ther was informed about the dream and he called together his priests to ask to explain the meaning of his daughter’ dream

Meanwhile, the princess went into the garden to bathe. When she arrived there, she saw Sedet lying by the edge of to pond.

She asked her attendants, ‘Where does that man lying be­side the pond come from?’ The attendants all said they did not know. The princess then told her father of the stranger in their garden. The king, accompanied by all his priests, went to inves­tigate the matter.

When they had all had a look, the priests spoke together to the king, ‘Oh, king, this strange occurrence is very similar to your daughter’s dream. According to our humble opinion, it is certain that this is some extraordinary person. If not, how did he manage to get inside here without anyone knowing?’ The king agreed with what the priests said. Sedet was carried into the palace.

In due course he revived and was appointed chief minister, and eventually he married the princess. Because of his sudden rise to power, however, he did not behave well, and was not popular with the people. Soon even the princess grew to detest him, but since they were married there was nothing she could do.

Back in the small mountain village, Sedet’s son, know as Young Sedet, waited a long time for his father to return. Young Sedet also went to the jungle to look for him, but despite a long search, he couldn’t find his father anywhere. Young Sedet and his mother both wept, for they though that Sedet was dead.

One day Young Sedet went to town to sell firewood and at the same time to look for his father. While he was walking through the town he saw his father, who was richly dressed. He immediately went over to him.

Naturally young Sedet expected his father to greet him. But Sedet ignored his own son. He pushed him aside and walked haughtily ahead. He behaved as if young Sedet were some poor street urchin who had angered him by getting in his way. Young Sedet was furious at the way his father treated him, and he was also very sad. He went home and told his mother, who cried bitterly.

Time passed and more of the people began to hate Sedet, the new chief minister, for he was full of greed and cruelty, and felt no pity for the poor. Everyone knew that Sedet came from a distant part of the country. Finally, news reached the palace that he had a wife and child living in poverty in a small mountain village. This made the people hate Sedet even more.

Sedet grew more harsh and cruel with each passing day, until one day the people could stand it no longer. They grouped together outside the palace, and when Sedet rode out in all his splendour he was attacked and killed. This is what happens to a greedy man who abuses good fortune.



Di sebuah desa pegunungan hiduplah seorang pria bernama Sedet yang mencari nafkah untuk dirinya sendiri, putranya yang masih kecil, dan istrinya dengan cara menangkap burung setiap hari dan menjualnya. Suatu malam saat ia tertidur, Sedet bermimpi bahwa matahari sudah tinggi di langit. Karena terkejut, Sedet terbangun, dan percaya bahwa hari masih siang, ia mengambil sumpitannya dan berangkat menyusuri tepi hutan. Saat itu masih gelap. Semua burung sedang tidur di pepohonan, jadi setiap kali ia melepaskan anak panah dari sumpitannya, anak panah itu mengenai sasarannya. Anak panah itu tidak membunuh burung-burung itu, tetapi hanya membuat mereka pingsan. Ia mengikat burung-burung itu ke ikat pinggangnya. Tak lama kemudian, burung-burung itu memenuhi seluruh ruang di sekitar ikat pinggang itu. Saat matahari terbit dan hari mulai terang, ia berangkat pulang.

Namun, dalam perjalanan kembali melalui hutan, ia bertemu seekor harimau. Tepat saat harimau itu akan melahapnya, semua burung yang ada di pinggangnya, terkejut oleh geraman harimau itu, tiba-tiba ikat pinggangnya putus. Sedet jatuh dan mendarat di taman raja dalam keadaan pingsan.

Malam sebelumnya, putri raja, Putri Sri, bermimpi bahwa calon suaminya jatuh ke tamannya. Ayahnya diberi tahu tentang mimpi itu dan ia memanggil para pendeta untuk meminta penjelasan tentang arti mimpi putrinya.

Sementara itu, sang putri pergi ke taman untuk mandi. Sesampainya di sana, ia melihat Sedet tergeletak di tepi kolam.

Ia bertanya kepada para pelayannya, “Dari mana datangnya orang asing yang tergeletak di tepi kolam itu?” Semua pelayan berkata mereka tidak tahu. Sang putri kemudian memberi tahu ayahnya tentang orang asing di taman mereka. Raja, ditemani oleh semua pendetanya, pergi untuk menyelidiki masalah itu.

Setelah mereka semua melihatnya, para pendeta berbicara bersama kepada raja, “Oh, raja, kejadian aneh ini sangat mirip dengan mimpi putrimu. Menurut pendapat kami yang sederhana, sudah pasti ini adalah orang yang luar biasa. Jika tidak, bagaimana dia bisa masuk ke sini tanpa diketahui siapa pun?” Raja setuju dengan apa yang dikatakan para pendeta. Sedet dibawa ke istana.

Pada waktunya, ia bangkit kembali dan diangkat menjadi kepala menteri, dan akhirnya menikahi sang putri. Akan tetapi, karena ia tiba-tiba naik ke tampuk kekuasaan, ia tidak berperilaku baik, dan tidak disukai rakyat. Bahkan sang putri pun mulai membencinya, tetapi karena mereka telah menikah, ia tidak dapat berbuat apa-apa.

Terima kasih atas kunjungannya. Semoga dengan berkunjung di website British Course ini sobat bisa makin cinta bahasa inggris, dan nilai bahasa inggris sobat semakin memuaskan. Dan semoga kita bisa belajar bahasa inggris bareng dan saling mengenal. Komentar, saran dan kritik dari sobat kami harapkan demi kemajuan website ini. Thanks..

British Course 1159 Articles
BRITISH Course Admin is an English teacher and undergraduate student of university in central java. English is a favorite lesson during admin's study. This site is a space to share English lesson to contribute in English development for English learner. Admin hopes this site can be useful for all of us.

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