Vaccination Accelerated, Covid-19 Cases Could Decrease in July 2021

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Jakarta, – Minister of National Development Planning (PPN) / Head of Bappenas Suharso Monoarfa stated that Covid-19 vaccination will accelerate economic recovery. The Ministry of National Development Planning / Bappenas estimates that in September 2021 the curve for the addition of Covid-19 cases can decrease and herd immunity or community immunity can be achieved in March 2022.If Covid-19 vaccination against 181.5 million Indonesians can be accelerated, the curve of Covid-19 cases is predicted to decrease. could happen in July 2021.

“The mobility of the population can be more relieved, the economy is moving, consumption is moving, thus encouraging household spending and this is an engine for our GDP, which is still dominated by household spending,” he said at the 2021 Development Planning Technical Coordination Meeting (Rakortekrenbang) in Jakarta, Thursday. (25/2/2021).

Previously, the government had targeted the Covid-19 vaccination process for 181.5 million residents to be completed by Meret 2022, but President Joko Widodo asked for the vaccination process to be completed by the end of this year.

Suharso added that lessons from Covid-19 mitigation should become a reference for handling tuberculosis, malaria and leprosy, including improving health service standards through the puskesmas. Data from the Ministry of National Development Planning / Bappenas shows that only 18% to 30% of puskesmas meet health service standards. This number is expected to increase to 71% by 2022.

In addition, by 2022, the government is targeting increasing coverage of complete basic immunization as part of health reform.

“Our complete basic immunization is only 57% nationally, neighboring countries are already above 90% and even 100%. We want it to go up and by 2024 it can reach 100%. This basic immunization must also be of concern to regional heads, “said Suharso.

Source: ANTARA


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