Indocement Continues Green Movement Program

Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh😊


Jakarta, – PT Indocement Tunggal Prakarsa Tbk (Indocement) held a tree planting on World Environment Day 2021. Tree planting was carried out in three locations of the factory complex, namely the Citeureup factory complex, the Cirebon factory complex, and the Tarjun factory complex, Kotabaru, South Kalimantan. .

As of June 2021, Indocement’s three factory complexes have planted more than 13,000 tree seedlings consisting of various types of trees that are adapted to local plants in each region.

The trees planted are Trembesi, Kluwih, and Teureup trees in the Citeureup factory complex, Mahogany, Kesammbi, Asem, Sonokeling, Teak, Kedawung, and Jamblang trees in the Cirebon factory complex, and mangroves in the Tarjun factory complex.

Indocement Director & Corporate Secretary, Antonius Marcos, stated that this is a form of Indocement’s commitment to actively participate in protecting the environment and running an environmentally friendly business in a sustainable manner, as well as educating the public to maintain environmental sustainability.

“Green breakthroughs are not foreign to Indocement, previously Indocement has launched slag cement (Duracem) which utilizes residual production or waste from the steel smelting industry as an alternative raw material. Indocement also issued a variety of other green cement products, namely hydraulic cement which has a lower clinker ratio. so it has lower CO2 emissions than ordinary cement,” said Antonius Marcos in his written statement, Monday (7/6/2021).

Antonius explained that the tree planting program is in line with government policies through the instructions of the Ministry of Public Works and Housing (Kempupera) to use green cement (concrete) in infrastructure projects and other government projects.

“Indocement is certainly ready to produce and supply these green cement products, both in the form of supplying PCC products, Duracem-Slag Cement and also the latest type of cement, namely hydraulic cement which is as tough as OPC cement that is known today,” he explained.

In addition to doing reforestation, added Antonius, Indocement has also facilitated the residents of Lulut and Leuwikaret Villages to be able to take advantage of water from the Cikukulu spring by building a water pipe network to the two villages. “So that residents in the two villages do not lack water, especially in the dry season,” he concluded.



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