Compound Nouns Quiz

Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh😊


Task No. 159
Choose the Correct Answer for the Questions Below. It tests what you learned on the Compound Nouns page.

This task is about Compound Nouns. If you need reference about this material before do this task, you can visit :

Compound Nouns

Answer the following questions.

Question 1

reduction in cost

Question 2

a station for express trains

Question 3

the husband of my daughter

Question 4

a tape for measuring up to 300 cms

Question 5

the assistant manager of the restaurant

Question 6

plugs with 3 pins

Question 7

a room for stores

Question 8

size of cables

Question 9

two steel boxes for tools

Question 10

two periods of three months

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