Description of Detroit; City in United States

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Detroit; City in United States – The United States is a country located in the northern part of the American continent. This country is known as the United States of America (USA). America is a federal constitutional republic consisting of fifty states and a federal district.

The capital of the United States of America is Washington DC. While the largest city in America is New York City. With an area of 9.83 million square kilometers and a population of 315 million people, the United States is the third largest country in the world and the third largest by population.

The United States is one of the most multiethnic and multicultural countries in the world. This arises due to massive immigration from various parts of the world. The climate and geography of the United States are also very diverse and the country is home to a wide variety of species.

Okay, on this occasion the BRITISH Course will provide a description of a city in the United States. The city we will be discussing is Detroit City.

Detroit City

Detroit (/dɪˈtrɔɪt/ dih-TROYT, locally also /ˈdiːtrɔɪt/ DEE-troyt; French: Détroit, lit. ’strait’) is the largest city in the U.S. state of Michigan. It is also the largest U.S. city on the United States–Canada border, and the seat of government of Wayne County. The City of Detroit had a population of 639,111 at the 2020 census, making it the 27th-most populous city in the United States. The metropolitan area, known as Metro Detroit, is home to 4.3 million people, making it the second-largest in the Midwest after the Chicago metropolitan area, and the 14th-largest in the United States. Regarded as a major cultural center, Detroit is known for its contributions to music, art, architecture and design, in addition to its historical automotive background. Time named Detroit as one of the fifty World’s Greatest Places of 2022 to explore.

Detroit is a major port on the Detroit River, one of the four major straits that connect the Great Lakes system to the Saint Lawrence Seaway. The City of Detroit anchors the third-largest regional economy in the Midwest, behind Chicago and Minneapolis–Saint Paul, and the 16th-largest in the United States.[10] Detroit is best known as the center of the U.S. automobile industry, and the “Big Three” auto manufacturers General Motors, Ford, and Stellantis North America (Chrysler) are all headquartered in Metro Detroit. As of 2007, the Detroit metropolitan area is the number one exporting region among 310 defined metropolitan areas in the United States. The Detroit Metropolitan Airport is among the most important hub airports in the United States. Detroit and its neighboring Canadian city Windsor are connected through a highway tunnel, railway tunnel, and the Ambassador Bridge, which is the second-busiest international crossing in North America, after San Diego–Tijuana. Both cities will soon be connected by a new bridge currently under construction, the Gordie Howe International Bridge, which will provide a complete freeway-to-freeway link. The new bridge is expected to be open by 2024.

In 1701, Antoine de la Mothe Cadillac and Alphonse de Tonty founded Fort Pontchartrain du Détroit, the future city of Detroit. During the late nineteenth and early twentieth century, it became an important industrial hub at the center of the Great Lakes region. The city’s population became the fourth-largest in the nation in 1920, after only New York City, Chicago and Philadelphia, with the expansion of the auto industry in the early 20th century. As Detroit’s industrialization took off, the Detroit River became the busiest commercial hub in the world. The strait carried over 65 million tons of shipping commerce through Detroit to locations all over the world each year; the freight throughput was more than three times that of New York and about four times that of London. By the 1940s, the city’s population remained the fourth-largest in the country. However, due to industrial restructuring, the loss of jobs in the auto industry, and rapid suburbanization, among other reasons, Detroit entered a state of urban decay and lost considerable population from the late 20th century to the present. Since reaching a peak of 1.85 million at the 1950 census, Detroit’s population has declined by more than 65 percent. In 2013, Detroit became the largest U.S. city to file for bankruptcy, which it successfully exited in December 2014, when the city government regained control of Detroit’s finances.

Detroit’s diverse culture has had both local and international influence, particularly in music, with the city giving rise to the genres of Motown and techno, and playing an important role in the development of jazz, hip-hop, rock, and punk. The rapid growth of Detroit in its boom years resulted in a globally unique stock of architectural monuments and historic places. Since the 2000s, conservation efforts have managed to save many architectural pieces and achieved several large-scale revitalizations, including the restoration of several historic theatres and entertainment venues, high-rise renovations, new sports stadiums, and a riverfront revitalization project. More recently, the population of Downtown Detroit, Midtown Detroit, and various other neighborhoods have increased.[citation needed] An increasingly popular tourist destination, Detroit receives 16 million visitors per year. In 2015, Detroit was named a “City of Design” by UNESCO, the first U.S. city to receive that designation.


Detroit (/dɪˈtrɔɪt/ dih-TROYT, secara lokal juga /ˈdiːtrɔɪt/ DEE-troyt; bahasa Prancis: Détroit, lit. ’strait’) adalah kota terbesar di negara bagian Michigan, AS. Itu juga merupakan kota AS terbesar di perbatasan Amerika Serikat-Kanada, dan pusat pemerintahan Wayne County. Kota Detroit memiliki populasi 639.111 pada sensus 2020, menjadikannya kota terpadat ke-27 di Amerika Serikat. Wilayah metropolitan, yang dikenal sebagai Metro Detroit, adalah rumah bagi 4,3 juta orang, menjadikannya yang terbesar kedua di Midwest setelah wilayah metropolitan Chicago, dan terbesar ke-14 di Amerika Serikat. Dianggap sebagai pusat budaya utama, Detroit dikenal karena kontribusinya pada musik, seni, arsitektur, dan desain, selain latar belakang sejarah otomotifnya. Waktu menyebut Detroit sebagai salah satu dari lima puluh Tempat Terbesar Dunia tahun 2022 untuk dijelajahi.

Detroit adalah pelabuhan utama di Sungai Detroit, salah satu dari empat selat utama yang menghubungkan sistem Great Lakes ke Saint Lawrence Seaway. Kota Detroit memiliki ekonomi regional terbesar ketiga di Midwest, setelah Chicago dan Minneapolis–Saint Paul, dan terbesar ke-16 di Amerika Serikat.[10] Detroit paling dikenal sebagai pusat industri mobil AS, dan pabrikan mobil “Tiga Besar” General Motors, Ford, dan Stellantis North America (Chrysler) semuanya berkantor pusat di Metro Detroit. Pada tahun 2007, wilayah metropolitan Detroit adalah wilayah pengekspor nomor satu di antara 310 wilayah metropolitan yang ditentukan di Amerika Serikat. Detroit Metropolitan Airport adalah salah satu bandara hub terpenting di Amerika Serikat. Detroit dan kota tetangganya di Kanada, Windsor, terhubung melalui terowongan jalan raya, terowongan kereta api, dan Jembatan Ambassador, yang merupakan penyeberangan internasional tersibuk kedua di Amerika Utara, setelah San Diego–Tijuana. Kedua kota ini akan segera dihubungkan oleh jembatan baru yang saat ini sedang dibangun, Jembatan Internasional Gordie Howe, yang akan menyediakan sambungan jalan bebas hambatan ke jalan bebas hambatan yang lengkap. Jembatan baru ini diharapkan akan dibuka pada tahun 2024.

Pada 1701, Antoine de la Mothe Cadillac dan Alphonse de Tonty mendirikan Fort Pontchartrain du Détroit, kota masa depan Detroit. Selama akhir abad ke-19 dan awal abad ke-20, kota ini menjadi pusat industri penting di pusat kawasan Great Lakes. Populasi kota menjadi yang terbesar keempat di negara ini pada tahun 1920, setelah Kota New York, Chicago dan Philadelphia, dengan perluasan industri otomotif pada awal abad ke-20. Saat industrialisasi Detroit berkembang pesat, Sungai Detroit menjadi pusat komersial tersibuk di dunia. Selat tersebut membawa lebih dari 65 juta ton pelayaran niaga melalui Detroit ke berbagai lokasi di seluruh dunia setiap tahun; throughput pengiriman lebih dari tiga kali lipat dari New York dan sekitar empat kali lipat dari London. Pada tahun 1940-an, populasi kota tetap menjadi yang terbesar keempat di negara ini. Namun, karena restrukturisasi industri, hilangnya pekerjaan di industri otomotif, dan pesatnya urbanisasi, antara lain, Detroit memasuki keadaan kerusakan kota dan kehilangan banyak populasi dari akhir abad ke-20 hingga saat ini. Sejak mencapai puncak 1,85 juta pada sensus tahun 1950, populasi Detroit telah menurun lebih dari 65 persen. Pada 2013, Detroit menjadi kota AS terbesar yang mengajukan kebangkrutan, yang berhasil keluar pada Desember 2014, ketika pemerintah kota mendapatkan kembali kendali atas keuangan Detroit.

Budaya Detroit yang beragam memiliki pengaruh lokal dan internasional, terutama dalam musik, dengan kota yang memunculkan genre Motown dan techno, dan memainkan peran penting dalam perkembangan jazz, hip-hop, rock, dan punk. Pertumbuhan pesat Detroit di tahun-tahun boomingnya menghasilkan stok monumen arsitektur dan tempat bersejarah yang unik secara global. Sejak tahun 2000-an, upaya konservasi telah berhasil menyelamatkan banyak karya arsitektur dan mencapai beberapa revitalisasi skala besar, termasuk pemulihan beberapa teater bersejarah dan tempat hiburan, renovasi gedung tinggi, stadion olahraga baru, dan proyek revitalisasi tepi sungai. Baru-baru ini, populasi Downtown Detroit, Midtown Detroit, dan berbagai lingkungan lainnya telah meningkat. [rujukan?] Tujuan wisata yang semakin populer, Detroit menerima 16 juta pengunjung per tahun. Pada 2015, Detroit dinobatkan sebagai “Kota Desain” oleh UNESCO, kota AS pertama yang menerima penunjukan tersebut.

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