Description of El Paso; City in United States

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El Paso; City in United States – The United States is a country located in the northern part of the American continent. This country is known as the United States of America (USA). America is a federal constitutional republic consisting of fifty states and a federal district.

The capital of the United States of America is Washington DC. While the largest city in America is New York City. With an area of 9.83 million square kilometers and a population of 315 million people, the United States is the third largest country in the world and the third largest by population.

The United States is one of the most multiethnic and multicultural countries in the world. This arises due to massive immigration from various parts of the world. The climate and geography of the United States are also very diverse and the country is home to a wide variety of species.

Okay, on this occasion the BRITISH Course will provide a description of a city in the United States. The city we will be discussing is El Paso City.

Paso City

El Paso (/ɛl ˈpæsoʊ/; Spanish: [el ˈpaso] “the pass”) is a city in and the seat of El Paso County in the western corner of the U.S. state of Texas. The 2020 population of the city from the U.S. Census Bureau was 678,815, making it the 23rd-largest city in the U.S., the sixth-largest city in Texas, and the second-largest city in the Southwestern United States behind Phoenix, Arizona. The city is also the second-largest majority-Hispanic city in the U.S., with 81% of its population being Hispanic. Its metropolitan statistical area covers all of El Paso and Hudspeth counties in Texas, and had a population of 868,859 in 2020. El Paso has consistently been ranked as one of the safest large cities in America.

El Paso stands on the Rio Grande across the Mexico–United States border from Ciudad Juárez, the most-populous city in the Mexican state of Chihuahua with over 1.5 million people. The Las Cruces area, in the neighboring U.S. state of New Mexico, has a population of 219,561. On the U.S. side, the El Paso metropolitan area forms part of the larger El Paso–Las Cruces combined statistical area, with a population of 1,088,420.

These three cities form a combined international metropolitan area sometimes referred to as the Paso del Norte or the Borderplex. The region of 2.7 million people constitutes the largest bilingual and binational work force in the Western Hemisphere.

The city is home to three publicly traded companies, and former Western Refining, now Marathon Petroleum, as well as home to the Medical Center of the Americas, the only medical research and care provider complex in West Texas and Southern New Mexico, and the University of Texas at El Paso, the city’s primary university. The city hosts the annual Sun Bowl college football postseason game, the second-oldest bowl game in the country.

El Paso has a strong federal and military presence. William Beaumont Army Medical Center, Biggs Army Airfield, and Fort Bliss are located in the area. Fort Bliss is one of the largest military complexes of the United States Army and the second-largest training area in the U.S. behind nearby White Sands Missile Range. The fort is headquartered in El Paso but a large part of the training area is in New Mexico. Also headquartered in El Paso are the Drug Enforcement Administration domestic field division 7, El Paso Intelligence Center, Joint Task Force North, United States Border Patrol El Paso Sector, and U.S. Border Patrol Special Operations Group.

El Paso is a five-time All-America City Award winner, winning in 1969, 2010, 2018, 2020, and 2021, and Congressional Quarterly ranked it in the top-three safest large cities in the United States between 1997 and 2014, including holding the title of safest city between 2011 and 2014.


El Paso (/ɛl ˈpæsoʊ/; bahasa Spanyol: [el ˈpaso] “jalan masuk”) adalah sebuah kota di dan kedudukan El Paso County di sudut barat negara bagian Texas, AS. Populasi kota tahun 2020 dari Biro Sensus AS adalah 678.815, menjadikannya kota terbesar ke-23 di AS, kota terbesar keenam di Texas, dan kota terbesar kedua di Amerika Serikat Barat Daya di belakang Phoenix, Arizona. Kota ini juga merupakan kota mayoritas Hispanik terbesar kedua di AS, dengan 81% populasinya adalah Hispanik. Area statistik metropolitannya mencakup semua kabupaten El Paso dan Hudspeth di Texas, dan memiliki populasi 868.859 pada tahun 2020. El Paso secara konsisten diperingkatkan sebagai salah satu kota besar teraman di Amerika.

El Paso berdiri di Rio Grande melintasi perbatasan Meksiko-Amerika Serikat dari Ciudad Juárez, kota terpadat di negara bagian Meksiko Chihuahua dengan lebih dari 1,5 juta orang. Daerah Las Cruces, di negara bagian tetangga AS, New Mexico, memiliki populasi 219.561. Di sisi AS, wilayah metropolitan El Paso merupakan bagian dari gabungan wilayah statistik El Paso–Las Cruces yang lebih besar, dengan populasi 1.088.420.

Ketiga kota ini membentuk gabungan wilayah metropolitan internasional yang terkadang disebut sebagai Paso del Norte atau Borderplex. Wilayah berpenduduk 2,7 juta orang merupakan angkatan kerja dwibahasa dan dwinasional terbesar di Belahan Bumi Barat.

Kota ini adalah rumah bagi tiga perusahaan publik, dan bekas Western Refining, sekarang Marathon Petroleum, serta rumah bagi Medical Center of the Americas, satu-satunya kompleks penelitian dan penyedia perawatan medis di West Texas dan Southern New Mexico, dan Universitas Texas di El Paso, universitas utama kota. Kota ini menjadi tuan rumah pertandingan postseason sepak bola perguruan tinggi Sun Bowl tahunan, pertandingan mangkuk tertua kedua di negara ini.

El Paso memiliki kehadiran federal dan militer yang kuat. Pusat Medis Tentara William Beaumont, Lapangan Terbang Tentara Biggs, dan Fort Bliss berada di area tersebut. Fort Bliss adalah salah satu kompleks militer terbesar Angkatan Darat Amerika Serikat dan area pelatihan terbesar kedua di AS setelah Rentang Rudal White Sands di dekatnya. Benteng ini berkantor pusat di El Paso tetapi sebagian besar area pelatihan berada di New Mexico. Juga berkantor pusat di El Paso adalah divisi lapangan domestik Drug Enforcement Administration 7, Pusat Intelijen El Paso, Satuan Tugas Gabungan Utara, Patroli Perbatasan Amerika Serikat Sektor El Paso, dan Grup Operasi Khusus Patroli Perbatasan AS.

El Paso adalah pemenang All-America City Award lima kali, menang pada tahun 1969, 2010, 2018, 2020, dan 2021, dan Congressional Quarterly memeringkatnya dalam tiga besar kota besar teraman di Amerika Serikat antara tahun 1997 dan 2014, termasuk memegang gelar kota teraman antara tahun 2011 dan 2014.

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