Description of Austin; City in United States

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Austin, City in United States – The United States is a country located in the northern part of the American continent. This country is known as the United States of America (USA). America is a federal constitutional republic consisting of fifty states and a federal district.

The capital of the United States of America is Washington DC. While the largest city in America is New York City. With an area of 9.83 million square kilometers and a population of 315 million people, the United States is the third largest country in the world and the third largest by population.

The United States is one of the most multiethnic and multicultural countries in the world. This arises due to massive immigration from various parts of the world. The climate and geography of the United States are also very diverse and the country is home to a wide variety of species.

Okay, on this occasion the BRITISH Course will provide a description of a city in the United States. The city we will be discussing is Austin City.

Austin City

Austin is the capital city of the U.S. state of Texas, as well as the seat and largest city of Travis County, with portions extending into Hays and Williamson counties. Incorporated on December 27, 1839, it is the 11th-most-populous city in the United States, the fourth-most-populous city in Texas, the second-most-populous state capital city, and the most populous state capital that is not also the most populous city in its state. It has been one of the fastest growing large cities in the United States since 2010. Downtown Austin and Downtown San Antonio are approximately 80 miles (129 km) apart, and both fall along the Interstate 35 corridor. Some observers believe that the two regions may some day form a new “metroplex” similar to Dallas and Fort Worth. Austin is the southernmost state capital in the contiguous United States and is considered a “Beta −” global city as categorized by the Globalization and World Cities Research Network.

As of 2021, Austin had an estimated population of 964,177, up from 961,855 at the 2020 census. The city is the cultural and economic center of the Austin–Round Rock metropolitan statistical area, which had an estimated population of 2,295,303 as of July 1, 2020, a roughly 84% increase from the year 2000. Located in Central Texas within the greater Texas Hill Country, it is home to numerous lakes, rivers, and waterways, including Lady Bird Lake and Lake Travis on the Colorado River, Barton Springs, McKinney Falls, and Lake Walter E. Long.

Residents of Austin are known as Austinites. They include a diverse mix of government employees, college students, musicians, high-tech workers, digital marketers, and blue-collar workers. The city’s official slogan promotes Austin as “The Live Music Capital of the World”, a reference to the city’s many musicians and live music venues, as well as the long-running PBS TV concert series Austin City Limits. The city also adopted “Silicon Hills” as a nickname in the 1990s due to a rapid influx of technology and development companies. In recent years, some Austinites have adopted the unofficial slogan “Keep Austin Weird”, which refers to the desire to protect small, unique, and local businesses from being overrun by large corporations. Since the late 19th century, Austin has also been known as the “City of the Violet Crown”, because of the colorful glow of light across the hills just after sunset.
In 1987, Austin originated and remains the site for South by Southwest (stylized as SXSW and colloquially referred to as South By), an annual conglomeration of parallel film, interactive media, and music festivals and conferences that take place in mid-March.

Emerging from a strong economic focus on government and education, since the 1990s, Austin has become a center for technology and business. The technology roots in Austin can be traced back to the 1960s when Tracor (now BAE Systems), a major defense electronics contractor, began operation in the city in 1962. IBM followed in 1967, opening a facility to produce its Selectric typewriters. Texas Instruments setup in Austin two years later, Motorola (now NXP Semiconductors) started semiconductor chip manufacturing in 1974. BAE Systems, IBM, and NXP Semiconductors still have campuses and manufacturing operations in Austin as of 2022. A number of Fortune 500 companies have headquarters or regional offices in Austin, including 3M, Advanced Micro Devices (AMD), Amazon, Apple, Facebook (Meta), Google, IBM, Intel, NXP Semiconductors, Oracle, Tesla, Texas Instruments, and Whole Foods Market. Dell’s worldwide headquarters is located in the nearby suburb of Round Rock. With regard to education, Austin is the home of the University of Texas at Austin, which is one of the largest universities in the U.S.,


Austin adalah ibu kota negara bagian Texas di AS, serta kursi dan kota terbesar di Travis County, dengan bagian-bagian yang meluas ke kabupaten Hays dan Williamson. Didirikan pada 27 Desember 1839, ini adalah kota terpadat ke-11 di Amerika Serikat, kota terpadat keempat di Texas, ibu kota negara bagian terpadat kedua, dan ibu kota negara bagian terpadat yang tidak juga kota terpadat di negara bagiannya. Ini telah menjadi salah satu kota besar dengan pertumbuhan tercepat di Amerika Serikat sejak 2010. Pusat Kota Austin dan Pusat Kota San Antonio berjarak sekitar 80 mil (129 km), dan keduanya berada di sepanjang koridor Interstate 35. Beberapa pengamat percaya bahwa kedua wilayah tersebut suatu hari nanti dapat membentuk “metroplex” baru yang mirip dengan Dallas dan Fort Worth. Austin adalah ibu kota negara bagian paling selatan di Amerika Serikat yang bersebelahan dan dianggap sebagai kota global “Beta −” seperti yang dikategorikan oleh Globalization and World Cities Research Network.

Pada 2021, Austin memiliki perkiraan populasi 964.177, naik dari 961.855 pada sensus 2020. Kota ini adalah pusat budaya dan ekonomi wilayah statistik metropolitan Austin–Round Rock, yang diperkirakan memiliki populasi 2.295.303 per 1 Juli 2020, meningkat sekitar 84% dari tahun 2000. Terletak di Texas Tengah di dalam Texas Raya Hill Country, itu adalah rumah bagi banyak danau, sungai, dan saluran air, termasuk Danau Lady Bird dan Danau Travis di Sungai Colorado, Barton Springs, Air Terjun McKinney, dan Danau Walter E. Long.

Penduduk Austin dikenal sebagai orang Austin. Mereka termasuk beragam pegawai pemerintah, mahasiswa, musisi, pekerja teknologi tinggi, pemasar digital, dan pekerja kerah biru. Slogan resmi kota mempromosikan Austin sebagai “The Live Music Capital of the World”, referensi ke banyak musisi kota dan tempat musik live, serta serial konser PBS TV Austin City Limits yang telah lama berjalan. Kota ini juga mengadopsi “Silicon Hills” sebagai nama panggilan pada 1990-an karena pesatnya masuknya perusahaan teknologi dan pengembangan. Dalam beberapa tahun terakhir, beberapa warga Austin mengadopsi slogan tidak resmi “Keep Austin Weird”, yang mengacu pada keinginan untuk melindungi bisnis kecil, unik, dan lokal agar tidak dikuasai oleh perusahaan besar. Sejak akhir abad ke-19, Austin juga dikenal sebagai “Kota Mahkota Ungu”, karena pancaran cahaya warna-warni melintasi perbukitan tepat setelah matahari terbenam.

Pada tahun 1987, Austin berasal dan tetap menjadi situs South by Southwest (bergaya sebagai SXSW dan bahasa sehari-hari disebut sebagai South By), sebuah konglomerasi tahunan film paralel, media interaktif, dan festival musik dan konferensi yang berlangsung pada pertengahan Maret.

Muncul dari fokus ekonomi yang kuat pada pemerintahan dan pendidikan, sejak 1990-an, Austin telah menjadi pusat teknologi dan bisnis. Akar teknologi di Austin dapat ditelusuri kembali ke tahun 1960-an ketika Tracor (sekarang BAE Systems), kontraktor elektronik pertahanan utama, mulai beroperasi di kota tersebut pada tahun 1962. IBM mengikuti pada tahun 1967, membuka fasilitas untuk memproduksi mesin tik Selectric. Pengaturan Texas Instruments di Austin dua tahun kemudian, Motorola (sekarang NXP Semiconductors) memulai pembuatan chip semikonduktor pada tahun 1974. BAE Systems, IBM, dan NXP Semiconductors masih memiliki kampus dan operasi manufaktur di Austin pada tahun 2022. Sejumlah perusahaan Fortune 500 memiliki kantor pusat atau kantor regional di Austin, termasuk 3M, Advanced Micro Devices (AMD), Amazon, Apple, Facebook (Meta), Google, IBM, Intel, NXP Semiconductors, Oracle, Tesla, Texas Instruments, dan Whole Foods Market. Kantor pusat Dell di seluruh dunia terletak di pinggiran Round Rock terdekat. Berkenaan dengan pendidikan, Austin adalah rumah dari University of Texas di Austin, yang merupakan salah satu universitas terbesar di AS,

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