Description of Charlotte; City in United States

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Charlotte, City in United States – The United States is a country located in the northern part of the American continent. This country is known as the United States of America (USA). America is a federal constitutional republic consisting of fifty states and a federal district.

The capital of the United States of America is Washington DC. While the largest city in America is New York City. With an area of 9.83 million square kilometers and a population of 315 million people, the United States is the third largest country in the world and the third largest by population.

The United States is one of the most multiethnic and multicultural countries in the world. This arises due to massive immigration from various parts of the world. The climate and geography of the United States are also very diverse and the country is home to a wide variety of species.

Okay, on this occasion the BRITISH Course will provide a description of a city in the United States. The city we will be discussing is Charlotte City.

Charlotte City

Charlotte (/ˈʃɑːrlət/ SHAR-lət) is the most populous city in the U.S. state of North Carolina. Located in the Piedmont region, it is the county seat of Mecklenburg County. The population was 874,579 at the 2020 census, making Charlotte the 16th-most populous city in the U.S., the seventh most populous city in the South, and the second most populous city in the Southeast behind Jacksonville, Florida. The city is the cultural, economic, and transportation center of the Charlotte metropolitan area, whose 2020 population of 2,660,329 ranked 22nd in the U.S. Metrolina is part of a sixteen-county market region or combined statistical area with a 2020 census-estimated population of 2,846,550.

Between 2004 and 2014, Charlotte was ranked as the country’s fastest-growing metro area, with 888,000 new residents. Based on U.S. Census data from 2005 to 2015, Charlotte tops the U.S. in millennial population growth. It is the third-fastest-growing major city in the United States. Residents are referred to as “Charlotteans”.

Charlotte is home to the corporate headquarters of Bank of America, Truist Financial, and the east coast headquarters of Wells Fargo, which along with other financial institutions has made it the second-largest banking center in the United States. As of 2020, Charlotte was considered as a Gamma + level global city by the GaWC.

Among Charlotte’s notable attractions, some of the most popular include the Carolina Panthers (NFL), the Charlotte Hornets (NBA), Charlotte FC (MLS), the NASCAR Hall of Fame, the Charlotte Ballet, Children’s Theatre of Charlotte, Mint Museum, Harvey B. Gantt Center, Bechtler Museum of Modern Art, the Billy Graham Library, Levine Museum of the New South, Charlotte Museum of History, Carowinds amusement park, and the U.S. National Whitewater Center.

Charlotte has a humid subtropical climate. It is located several miles east of the Catawba River and southeast of Lake Norman, the largest man-made lake in North Carolina. Lake Wylie and Mountain Island Lake are two smaller man-made lakes located near the city.


Charlotte (/ˈʃɑːrlət/ SHAR-lət) adalah kota terpadat di negara bagian Carolina Utara, AS. Terletak di wilayah Piedmont, itu adalah ibu kota Kabupaten Mecklenburg. Populasinya adalah 874.579 pada sensus tahun 2020, menjadikan Charlotte kota terpadat ke-16 di AS, kota terpadat ketujuh di Selatan, dan kota terpadat kedua di Tenggara setelah Jacksonville, Florida. Kota ini adalah pusat budaya, ekonomi, dan transportasi di wilayah metropolitan Charlotte, yang populasinya pada tahun 2020 sebanyak 2.660.329 menduduki peringkat ke-22 di AS Metrolina adalah bagian dari wilayah pasar enam belas kabupaten atau wilayah statistik gabungan dengan perkiraan populasi sensus tahun 2020 sebesar 2.846.550 .

Antara tahun 2004 dan 2014, Charlotte menduduki peringkat sebagai wilayah metro dengan pertumbuhan tercepat di negara itu, dengan 888.000 penduduk baru. Berdasarkan data Sensus AS dari tahun 2005 hingga 2015, Charlotte menempati urutan teratas AS dalam pertumbuhan populasi milenial. Ini adalah kota besar dengan pertumbuhan tercepat ketiga di Amerika Serikat. Penduduk disebut sebagai “Charlotteans”.

Charlotte adalah rumah bagi kantor pusat perusahaan Bank of America, Truist Financial, dan kantor pusat pantai timur Wells Fargo, yang bersama dengan lembaga keuangan lainnya menjadikannya pusat perbankan terbesar kedua di Amerika Serikat. Pada tahun 2020, Charlotte dianggap sebagai kota global tingkat Gamma + oleh GaWC.

Di antara atraksi terkenal Charlotte, beberapa yang paling populer termasuk Carolina Panthers (NFL), Charlotte Hornets (NBA), Charlotte FC (MLS), NASCAR Hall of Fame, Charlotte Ballet, Teater Anak Charlotte, Museum Mint, Harvey B. Gantt Center, Museum Seni Modern Bechtler, Perpustakaan Billy Graham, Museum Levine New South, Museum Sejarah Charlotte, taman hiburan Carowinds, dan Pusat Whitewater Nasional AS.

Charlotte memiliki iklim subtropis yang lembab. Itu terletak beberapa mil di sebelah timur Sungai Catawba dan tenggara Danau Norman, danau buatan manusia terbesar di Carolina Utara. Lake Wylie dan Mountain Island Lake adalah dua danau kecil buatan manusia yang terletak di dekat kota.

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