The Foreign Minister Celebrates Eid Al-Fitr with the Core Family at Home

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Jakarta, – Minister of Foreign Affairs (Menlu) Retno Marsudi spent time during Eid Al-Fitr 1442 with the nuclear family at home. Retno performed Id prayers in congregation and played with her only grandchild.

“This victory day, we celebrate with Eid prayers at home, friendship with the main family at home, friendship with extended family and friends from home,” said Retno, Thursday (13/5/2021).

Retno uploaded five photos of her togetherness with her nuclear family, namely her husband Agus Marsudi, with her two sons Dyota Marsudi and Bagas Marsudi, as well as her two daughters-in-law, and also her grandson Manggala.

Happy Eid, happy, congratulations, and blessed, said Retno.

Retno whose full name is Retno Lestari Priansari Marsudi is Indonesia’s first female Foreign Minister. Retno has been measured as Foreign Minister in the cabinet of President Joko Widodo’s administration, for two terms

During the leadership of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Kemlu), Retno showed a large number, including successfully pushing Covid-19 vaccine diplomacy. Retno was selected as co-chair in the multilateral vaccine scheme of the GAVI vaccine alliance and the World Health Organization (WHO) named the Advance Market Commitment for Covid-19 Vaccines Engagement Group.

Thanks to Retno’s diplomacy, so far Indonesia has managed to reach 6.4 million doses of Astrazeneca vaccine from the multilateral route. Retno was the Indonesian ambassador to Norway and Iceland in 2005 and the Indonesian ambassador to the Netherlands in 2012.

Retno is no stranger to the Netherlands, having pursued a master’s degree at the Haagse Hoge School, while her bachelor’s degree was attained at Gadjah Mada University (UGM) Yogyakarta.


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