FSGI Suggests Face-to-Face Schools to be Gradually Implemented

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Jakarta, Britishcourse.com – The Federation of Indonesian Teachers’ Unions (FSGI) asked the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology (Kemdikbudristek) not to enforce a uniform policy regarding school openings in the new school year July 2021, but to implement it gradually.

Secretary General of FSGI Heru Purnomo said, based on FSGI’s monitoring in a number of areas, it turns out that not all schools are ready in terms of infrastructure (sarpras) to resume face-to-face learning (PTM). FSGI found the fact that the availability of sinks or hand washing facilities in schools is still minimal compared to the number of school residents, the number of buildings and rooms and the size of the school.

“Even if the number of sinks or hand washing stations is sufficient, there is no water because the area is experiencing drought. There are also sinks in schools that are not accompanied by hand soap even though the water in the sink flows,” Heru said at a public discussion entitled “The Eligibility of Limited PTM in the 2021/2022 Academic Year”, Monday (7/6/2021).

In addition, Heru said, most schools in a number of regions do not have health protocols or standard operating procedures (SOPs). “Even if there is a minimal SOP, that is, it only regulates the arrival of school residents and when learning in class,” he said.

Therefore, Heru said, FSGI supports local governments (Pemda) that open face-to-face schools in small islands or remote areas with minimal Covid-19 cases and continue to apply health protocols (prokes) which only enter 50%.

“Moreover, these areas have big obstacles in implementing online distance learning. This means that the policy of opening or not PTM in Indonesia cannot be uniformed,” he said.

For this reason, Heru encourages the policy of learning from home or distance learning (BDR or PJJ) to be improved so that it can serve all children and overcome the decline in the quality of education.

“During the pandemic, schools must implement PJJ and PTM in turns, therefore the government must not stop evaluating and improving PJJ,” he said.

In addition, FSGI also encourages PTM to be held by prioritizing discussions on difficult and very difficult materials in all subjects, as well as prioritizing practical materials that are difficult to do online.

Source: BeritaSatu.com


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