Description of Baltimore; City in United States

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Baltimore; City in United States – The United States is a country located in the northern part of the American continent. This country is known as the United States of America (USA). America is a federal constitutional republic consisting of fifty states and a federal district.

The capital of the United States of America is Washington DC. While the largest city in America is New York City. With an area of 9.83 million square kilometers and a population of 315 million people, the United States is the third largest country in the world and the third largest by population.

The United States is one of the most multiethnic and multicultural countries in the world. This arises due to massive immigration from various parts of the world. The climate and geography of the United States are also very diverse and the country is home to a wide variety of species.

Okay, on this occasion the BRITISH Course will provide a description of a city in the United States. The city we will be discussing is Baltimore City.

Baltimore City

Baltimore (/ˈbɔːltɪmɔːr/ BAWL-tim-or, locally: /bɔːldəˈmɔːr/ bawl-da-MOR or /ˈbɔːlmər/ BAWL-mər) is the most populous city in the U.S. state of Maryland, fourth most populous city in the Mid-Atlantic, and the 30th most populous city in the United States with a population of 585,708 in 2020. Baltimore was designated an independent city by the Constitution of Maryland in 1851, and today is the most populous independent city in the United States. As of 2021, the population of the Baltimore metropolitan area was estimated to be 2,838,327, making it the 20th largest metropolitan area in the country. Baltimore is located about 40 miles (64 km) north northeast of Washington, D.C., making it a principal city in the Washington–Baltimore combined statistical area (CSA), the third-largest CSA in the nation, with a 2021 estimated population of 9,946,526.

Prior to European colonization, the Baltimore region was used as hunting grounds by the Susquehannock Native Americans, who were primarily settled further northwest than where the city was later built. Colonists from the Province of Maryland established the Port of Baltimore in 1706 to support the tobacco trade with Europe, and established the Town of Baltimore in 1729. The first printing press and newspapers were introduced to Baltimore by Nicholas Hasselbach and William Goddard respectively, in the mid-18th century.

The Battle of Baltimore was a pivotal engagement during the War of 1812, culminating in the failed British bombardment of Fort McHenry, during which Francis Scott Key wrote a poem that would become “The Star-Spangled Banner”, which was eventually designated as the American national anthem in 1931. During the Pratt Street Riot of 1861, the city was the site of some of the earliest violence associated with the American Civil War.

The Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, the oldest railroad in the United States, was built in 1830 and cemented Baltimore’s status as a major transportation hub, giving producers in the Midwest and Appalachia access to the city’s port. Baltimore’s Inner Harbor was once the second leading port of entry for immigrants to the United States. In addition, Baltimore was a major manufacturing center. After a decline in major manufacturing, heavy industry, and restructuring of the rail industry, Baltimore has shifted to a service-oriented economy. Johns Hopkins Hospital and Johns Hopkins University are the city’s top two employers. Baltimore and its surrounding region are home to the headquarters of a number of major organizations and government agencies, including the NAACP, ABET, the National Federation of the Blind, Catholic Relief Services, the Annie E. Casey Foundation, World Relief, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, and the Social Security Administration. Baltimore is also home to the Baltimore Orioles of Major League Baseball and the Baltimore Ravens of the National Football League.

Many of Baltimore’s neighborhoods have rich histories. The city is home to some of the earliest National Register Historic Districts in the nation, including Fell’s Point, Federal Hill, and Mount Vernon. These were added to the National Register between 1969 and 1971, soon after historic preservation legislation was passed. Baltimore has more public statues and monuments per capita than any other city in the country. Nearly one third of the city’s buildings (over 65,000) are designated as historic in the National Register, which is more than any other U.S. city. Baltimore has 66 National Register Historic Districts and 33 local historic districts. The historical records of the government of Baltimore are located at the Baltimore City Archives.


Baltimore (/ˈbɔːltɪmɔːr/ BAWL-tim-or, lokal: /bɔːldəˈmɔːr/ bawl-da-MOR atau /ˈbɔːlmər/ BAWL-mər) adalah kota terpadat di negara bagian Maryland, AS, kota terpadat keempat di Atlantik Tengah , dan kota terpadat ke-30 di Amerika Serikat dengan populasi 585.708 pada tahun 2020. Baltimore ditetapkan sebagai kota mandiri oleh Konstitusi Maryland pada tahun 1851, dan saat ini menjadi kota mandiri terpadat di Amerika Serikat. Pada tahun 2021, populasi wilayah metropolitan Baltimore diperkirakan mencapai 2.838.327, menjadikannya wilayah metropolitan terbesar ke-20 di negara tersebut. Baltimore terletak sekitar 40 mil (64 km) utara timur laut Washington, D.C., menjadikannya kota utama di area statistik gabungan (CSA) Washington–Baltimore, CSA terbesar ketiga di negara tersebut, dengan perkiraan populasi tahun 2021 sebesar 9.946.526 .

Sebelum penjajahan Eropa, wilayah Baltimore digunakan sebagai tempat berburu oleh penduduk asli Amerika Susquehannock, yang sebagian besar menetap lebih jauh ke barat laut daripada tempat kota itu kemudian dibangun. Penjajah dari Provinsi Maryland mendirikan Pelabuhan Baltimore pada tahun 1706 untuk mendukung perdagangan tembakau dengan Eropa, dan mendirikan Kota Baltimore pada tahun 1729. Mesin cetak dan surat kabar pertama kali diperkenalkan ke Baltimore oleh Nicholas Hasselbach dan William Goddard, masing-masing di pertengahan abad ke-18.

Pertempuran Baltimore adalah keterlibatan penting selama Perang tahun 1812, yang berpuncak pada pengeboman Fort McHenry Inggris yang gagal, di mana Francis Scott Key menulis sebuah puisi yang akan menjadi “The Star-Spangled Banner”, yang akhirnya ditetapkan sebagai Amerika lagu kebangsaan pada tahun 1931. Selama Kerusuhan Jalan Pratt tahun 1861, kota ini adalah tempat beberapa kekerasan paling awal yang terkait dengan Perang Saudara Amerika.

Kereta Api Baltimore dan Ohio, jalur kereta api tertua di Amerika Serikat, dibangun pada tahun 1830 dan mengukuhkan status Baltimore sebagai pusat transportasi utama, memberikan produsen di Midwest dan Appalachia akses ke pelabuhan kota. Inner Harbor di Baltimore pernah menjadi pelabuhan masuk utama kedua bagi para imigran ke Amerika Serikat. Selain itu, Baltimore adalah pusat manufaktur utama. Setelah penurunan manufaktur besar, industri berat, dan restrukturisasi industri kereta api, Baltimore telah beralih ke ekonomi berorientasi jasa. Rumah Sakit Johns Hopkins dan Universitas Johns Hopkins adalah dua pemberi kerja terbaik di kota ini. Baltimore dan wilayah sekitarnya adalah markas besar sejumlah organisasi besar dan lembaga pemerintah, termasuk NAACP, ABET, Federasi Nasional Tunanetra, Layanan Bantuan Katolik, Yayasan Annie E. Casey, World Relief, Pusat Bantuan Layanan Medicare & Medicaid, dan Administrasi Jaminan Sosial. Baltimore juga merupakan rumah bagi Baltimore Orioles dari Major League Baseball dan Baltimore Ravens dari National Football League.

Banyak lingkungan Baltimore memiliki sejarah yang kaya. Kota ini adalah rumah bagi beberapa Distrik Bersejarah Daftar Nasional paling awal di negara ini, termasuk Fell’s Point, Federal Hill, dan Mount Vernon. Ini ditambahkan ke Daftar Nasional antara tahun 1969 dan 1971, segera setelah undang-undang pelestarian bersejarah disahkan. Baltimore memiliki lebih banyak patung dan monumen publik per kapita daripada kota lain mana pun di negara ini. Hampir sepertiga dari bangunan kota (lebih dari 65.000) ditetapkan sebagai bersejarah dalam Daftar Nasional, yang lebih banyak daripada kota AS lainnya. Baltimore memiliki 66 Distrik Bersejarah Daftar Nasional dan 33 distrik bersejarah lokal. Catatan sejarah pemerintahan Baltimore terletak di Baltimore City Archives.

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