Demak Great Mosque Receives 1,000 History Books of Demak Bintoro

Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh😊


SEMARANG, – The Great Mosque of Demak received 1,000 books on the history of Demak Bintoro from Sahabat Lestari. The Board of Trustees of Sahabat Lestari, Lestari Moerdijat distributed it and was symbolically handed over to the Chairman of the Takmir of the Great Mosque of Demak KH Abdullah Syifa.

“We hope that with the distribution of these books, people will know more about the history of the establishment of the Demak area,” said the woman who is familiarly called Rerie in Demak, Wednesday (16/9).

The member of the DPR RI from the Central Java Electoral District 2 (Demak, Kudus and Jepara) hopes that the public will not forget the history of the Demak area which was once the Islamic Sultanate in the archipelago.

Meanwhile, Chairman of the Takmir of the Great Mosque of Demak Abdullah Syifa stated that the book History of Demak Bintoro will later be given to visitors and pilgrims at the Great Mosque of Demak.


SEMARANG, – Masjid Agung Demak menerima 1.000 buku mengenai sejarah Demak Bintoro dari Sahabat Lestari. Dewan Pembina Sahabat Lestari, Lestari Moerdijat membagikan dan secara simbolis diserahkan kepada Ketua Takmir Masjid Agung Demak KH Abdullah Syifa.

“Kami berharap dengan pembagian buku tersebut, masyarakat semakin tahu bagaimana sejarah berdirinya daerah Demak,” kata perempuan yang akrab disapa Rerie di Demak, Rabu (16/9).

Anggota DPR RI dari Dapil 2 Jateng (Demak, Kudus dan Jepara) itu, berharap agar masyarakat tidak melupakan sejarah mengenai daerah Demak yang pernah menjadi Kasultanan Islam di Nusantara.

Sementara Ketua Takmir Masjid Agung Demak Abdullah Syifa menyatakan, buku Sejarah Demak Bintoro itu nantinya akan diberikan kepada para pengunjung dan para peziarah di Masjid Agung Demak.


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