Turkey Coach Feels Confident They Can Beat Italy

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Rome, Britishcourse.com – Turkey’s national team coach Senol Gunes predicts his team will have to play a tough match against Italy, but he believes his squad can beat Roberto Mancini’s squad.

Turkey will meet the Italian national team in the opening match of the 2020 European Cup at the Stadio Olimpico, Rome, Saturday (12/6/2021) starting at 02.00 WIB.

“Roberto Mancini knows Turkish football well, has been the coach of Galatasaray, and he has many talented players,” Gunes told his press conference.

Both teams are in Group A with Switzerland and Wales.

“We are not favorites to top this group, but I want to reach the final and play it against Italy. Our journey in international football really started with the 2002 World Cup semi-finals and everyone wants to win, but I’m sure we will continue to learn from this tournament.”

“We know Italy’s strengths, but also their weaknesses. We are well aware of the prestige and tradition of Italy, qualifying for almost all of these competitions. Nonetheless, it will be difficult to fight in terms of technical, tactical and physical. I want to see the quality of my players displayed,” added Gunes.

“It’s also good to have players who are at a Serie A club, because they know how things work in Italy and the approach these teams take. This is a match between two strong teams and I believe Turkey can win,” said the coach, who previously coached the Turkish national team in 2000-2004.

“We must not lose concentration, otherwise there will be real problems. The first and last group matches are very basic and they can change the balance of the whole situation.”

Source: Italian Football


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