Speaking Practice – Lesson 50: Back to School

Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh😊


Hallo everybody.
In this afternoon, I want to share speaking lesson. I hope you will get help in learning English by reading this post. I want to share speaking lesson because speaking in very important in learning English. Good speaking skill show how well you master English. If you can speak English well, it means your English is good.

In this post, the speaking lesson is conversation about Back to School. And in this post, the conversation is completed with Mp3 that the Mp3 is spoken by Mrs. Anna Matteo. She is native English speaker from America. She also becomes the speaker in VOA.com. So, It is very good to learn English. Are you not patient to see the conversation, and study with Mrs. Anna Matteo. Oke, let’s check it out…

Anna: Hello, and welcome to Georgetown University in Washington, D.C.! I am going back to school! Georgetown is the oldest Catholic and Jesuit university in the United States. The Jesuits are a religious order known worldwide for their many colleges and universities. Students have been studying here since 1792!
Sarah: Hey, are you finished with your report?
Taylor: Almost. I have been writing and re-writing since last night! The subject is really interesting to me.
Sarah: Me too! I have been studying this topic* for a long time.
Anna: Am I late?
Sarah: You’re a little late. But don’t worry. The professor isn’t here yet.
Anna: How long has the class been waiting?
Taylor: We’ve only been waiting for about 10 minutes.
Anna: Oh good. Oh, no! I forgot my pencil sharpener. Excuse me, do you have a pencil sharpener I can borrow?
Taylor: No, sorry.
Anna: Oh wait. I found my extra one! Whew, that was close.
Anna: So, how long have you been studying at Georgetown?
Andrew: I’ve been studying here since 2015.
Anna: Awesome. You know, I’ve been wanting to go back to school for a long time. So, here I am!
Andrew: Well, you picked a great school. I’ve been really happy here.
Anna: Awesome. See, I’ve been working for several years now. So, going back to school makes me a little nervous.
Randall: Don’t be nervous. Just pay attention and do your best!
Anna: That is great advice. You know, I have been paying attention. But sometimes I still feel like I don’t understand. Like last week …
Anna: What’s that?
Jada: This is my draft.
Anna: What draft?
Jada: The professor told us to bring our drafts.
Anna: I think she said “giraffe.”
Jada: No. She didn’t.
Anna: Here comes the professor.
Dr. Jones: Hello class! Sorry I’m late, but the snow storm made getting here really difficult. I see you’ve been waiting very patiently. So, let’s get started! Who wants to give their talk first?
Anna: Oh! Oh! Please, please pick me.
Dr. Jones: Anna?
Anna: Who me? Sure. Thanks.
Anna: Here is my report on “Violins in the City.”
Anna: People have been looking for a solution to the problem of violins in the city. I say stop! Stop! They are not the problem! In fact, violins are part of the solution!
Anna: Violins create beautiful music that can fill a city with hope.
Dr. Jones: Anna …
Anna: If we put a violin in the hands of every child …
Dr. Jones: Anna! The topic is “Violence in the city.” Violence. Not violins.
Anna: Until next time …Like I was saying, many people are saying that violence in the city is a problem. A very big problem.

* topic = subject

Thanks to Georgetown University for allowing us to film on their historic campus. And a special thanks to the Georgetown students and staff who appeared in this episode: Andrew Debraggio, Sarah Mucha, Taylor Soergel, Jada Bullen, and Randall-Grace Johnson.

Ok. That’s the conversation. Do you like it? Are you satisfied? What do you think about this speaking lesson? I hope by learning English here, your English skill be better. I hope you will always increase your English skill. And don’t forget to practice your English, because English is habit. If you always practice to speak English, I am sure you will master English. Actually, English in not difficult, English is very easy, if we learn English diligently. Ok, I think that’s all. See ya….

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