Speaking Practice – Lesson 16: Where Are You From?

Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh😊


Hallo everybody.
In this afternoon, I want to share speaking lesson. I hope you will get help in learning English by reading this post. I want to share speaking lesson because speaking in very important in learning English. Good speaking skill show how well you master English. If you can speak English well, it means your English is good.

In this post, the speaking lesson is conversation about What Do You Want?. And in this post, the conversation is completed with Mp3 that the Mp3 is spoken by Mrs. Anna Matteo. She is native English speaker from America. She also becomes the speaker in VOA.com. So, It is very good to learn English. Are you not patient to see the conversation, and study with Mrs. Anna Matteo. Oke, let’s check it out…

Anna: Hello! Washington, D.C. has many tourists! People from different countries come here. Today, my job is to interview tourists. I have to learn why they come here. This is very exciting! Excuse me. I’m Anna Matteo from The News. Do you have time for an interview?
Sabrina: Sure, I have time.
Anna: What is your name?
Sabrina: My name is Sabrina.
Anna: What country are you from?
Sabrina: I’m from Bangladesh.
Anna: So, you are Bangladeshi.
Sabrina: That’s right! My nationality is Bangladeshi.
Anna: Do you like Washington, D.C.?
Sabrina: Yes! The city is very beautiful!
Anna: What do you like to do in Washington D.C.?
Sabrina: I like history. So, I like walking around and looking at all the monuments and memorials. They make history come alive!
Anna: Washington has many monuments and memorials. The Washington Monument is behind us! Which is your favorite?
Sabrina: I really like Lincoln Memorial. It is very beautiful. And it feels like Abraham Lincoln is still alive.
Anna: Awesome. Thank you for your time, Sabrina!
Sabrina: You’re welcome.
Anna: Let’s find another tourist.
Anna: Oh! Excuse me. I am Anna Matteo from The News. Do you have time for a couple of questions?
Louis: Sure!
Anna: Are you from Washington, D.C.?
Louis: No, I’m not.
Anna: What is your name and where are you from?
Louis: My name is Louis. And I’m from China.
Anna: What languages do you speak?
Louis: I speak Chinese and English.
Anna: What do you like about Washington DC?
Louis: I like the museums. I really like the art museums.
Anna: Many of the museums are free.
Louis: I like that too!
Anna: Awesome! Thanks for your time, Louis.
Louis: You’re very welcome. Bye!
Anna: Now, let’s find another tourist!
Anna: Hello! I am Anna Matteo from The News. Do you have time to answer a couple of questions?
Mehrnoush: Sure!
Anna: What is your name and where’re you from?
Mehrnoush: My name is Mehrnoush. I am from Iran. I’m Iranian.
Anna: What language do they speak in Iran? Is it Persian?
Mehrnoush: They speak Farsi.
Anna: What do you like to do in Washington DC?
Mehrnoush: Well, I like learning about government and politics.
Anna: Washington has many politicians!
Mehrnoush: It does! I want to see the U.S. Capitol.
Anna: Look, you are very near.
Mehrnoush: I am!
Anna: Have fun!
Mehrnoush: Thanks!
Anna: There you have it. Tourists from all over the world come to Washington, D.C. They all like doing and seeing different things in the city. This is Anna Matteo reporting for The News. Until next time!
Anna: Is that okay? Awesome! Now, I want to do my favorite thing in the city … ride the carousel!

Ok. That’s the conversation. Do you like it? Are you satisfied? What do you think about this speaking lesson? I hope by learning English here, your English skill be better. I hope you will always increase your English skill. And don’t forget to practice your English, because English is habit. If you always practice to speak English, I am sure you will master English. Actually, English in not difficult, English is very easy, if we learn English diligently. Ok, I think that’s all. See ya….

Terima kasih atas kunjungannya. Semoga dengan berkunjung di website British Course ini sobat bisa makin cinta bahasa inggris, dan nilai bahasa inggris sobat semakin memuaskan. Dan semoga kita bisa belajar bahasa inggris bareng dan saling mengenal. Komentar, saran dan kritik dari sobat kami harapkan demi kemajuan website ini. Thanks..

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