Clauses; Definition and Example

Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh😊


In this cool night, it’s better to learn English, right? If you come to this site, I am sure you will be good English speaker. You can learn grammar, reading, speaking, or exercise of English in this website. So, I am sure, your English skill will increase in a short time. If you have great spirit to learn English, I am sure you will success in learning English.

Well, in this occasion, I will give explanation about “Clauses”.
Do you ever hear about this material before? If you are not, please pay attention my explanation about this material and read this material carefully. Oke, check this out.

Clauses: Definition, Types & Examples

A clause is comprised of a group of words which includes a subject and a finite verb. A clause contains only one subject and one verb. The subject of a clause can be mentioned or hidden, but the verb must be apparent and distinguishable.

A clause “a group of words containing a subject and predicate and functioning as a member of a complex or compound sentence. ” – Merriam-Webster


  • We graduated last month. (One clause sentence)
  • When we came here, we saw him. (Two clause sentence)
  • When I came here, I saw him, and he greeted me. (Three clause sentence)

Types of Clause

Clauses are mainly of two types:

  • Independent Clause
  • Dependent Clause

Independent Clause

An independent clause functions on its own to make a meaningful sentence and looks much like a regular sentence.

In a sentence two independent clauses can be connected by the coordinators: and, but, so, or, nor, for*, yet*.


  • She is a wise woman.
  • I like Nadia.
  • Can you do it?
  • Do it please. (Subject you is hidden)
  • I read the whole story.
  • I want to buy a smartphone, but I don’t have enough money. (Two independent clauses)
  • He went to Italy and visited the Lords. (Subject of the second clause is ‘he,’ so “he visited the Lords” is an independent clause.)
  • Michle smiles whenever he sees her. (One independent clause)

Dependent Clause

A dependent clause cannot function on its own because it leaves an idea or thought unfinished. It is also called subordinate clause. Dependent clauses help the independent clauses complete the sentence. A dependent clause alone cannot form a complete sentence.

The subordinators do the work of connecting the dependent clause to another clause to complete the sentence. In each of the dependent clause, the first word is a subordinator. Subordinators include relative pronouns, subordinating conjunctions, and noun clause markers.


  • When I was dating Natasha, I had an accident.
  • We saw the man who stole the watch.
  • She bought a car which was too expensive.
  • I know that he cannot do it.
  • He does not know where he was born.
  • If you don’t eat, I won’t go.
  • She is a very talented player though he is out of form.

Okey, That’s all my explanation about this point. Thanks for your attention and thanks for visiting this website. See you next time…

Reference :

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British Course 1159 Articles
BRITISH Course Admin is an English teacher and undergraduate student of university in central java. English is a favorite lesson during admin's study. This site is a space to share English lesson to contribute in English development for English learner. Admin hopes this site can be useful for all of us.

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