Speaking Practice – Lesson 38: She’s My Best Friend!

Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh😊


Hallo everybody.
In this afternoon, I want to share speaking lesson. I hope you will get help in learning English by reading this post. I want to share speaking lesson becouse speaking in very important in learning English. Good speaking skill show how well you master English. If you can speak English well, it means your English is good.

In this post, the speaking lesson is conversation about She’s My Best Friend!. And in this post, the conversation is completed with Mp3 that the Mp3 is spoken by Mrs. Anna Matteo. She is native English speaker from America. She also become the speaker in VOA.com. So, It is very good to learn English. Are you not be patien to see the conversation, and study with Mrs. Anna Matteo. Oke, let’s check it out…

Anna: Hello! I have great news. My best friend from my hometown is coming here — to Washington, D.C.! I can’t wait to catch up with her! Oh! I gotta go. Her train arrives in 10 minutes!
Anna: Penelope!
Penelope: Anna! I am really happy to see you!
Anna: Me too! How was your trip?
Penelope: It was fine.
Anna: Let me help you with your bags.
Penelope: I’m really excited to be in Washington, D.C.! I can’t wait to hear about … everything!
Anna: I have so much to tell you. Let’s go to my apartment. We can talk over a hot cup of tea.
Penelope: I love your apartment building, Anna. Is your rent expensive?
Anna: Well, I have a roommate. So, we split the rent.
Penelope: Oh, that’s right. Is your roommate nice?
Anna: Marsha is the nicest person I know in this city. Sometimes she worries too much. And she says I’m the messiest cook she knows. But we are great roommates.
Penelope: So, Anna, is it hard to make friends in D.C.?
Anna: At first it was hard. But now, Marsha is a good friend. And there’s Pete. Of all the people I know in D.C., Pete is the most serious and also the silliest.
Penelope: He sounds … interesting.
Anna: Jonathan and Ashley are two other good friends of mine. In the city, they are the friendliest people I know. They always help me when I need it.
Penelope: Your friends sound great! So, tell me about your job.
Anna: I love my work! I make a children’s show called the “Time Traveling Treehouse.”
Penelope: Anna, that is the best job for you! Do you remember when we were little? We played in that old treehouse behind my family’s house for hours!
Anna: I forgot about that! We thought it really time traveled! Penelope, it is really good to talk to you. New friends are good. But old friends are the best.
Penelope: I know. Our hometown isn’t the same now. You are not there.
Anna: No crying. Why don’t you move here and live with me and Marsha?
Penelope: Anna, I can’t leave our hometown. You forget — I love my job, too.
Anna: I didn’t forget. You are the most famous turkey farmer I know!
Penelope: Thanks, Anna.
Anna: Come on. Let’s go eat dinner at one of D.C.’s most famous restaurants.
Penelope: Awesome!
Anna: That’s the restaurant, Penelope. I’ll be right there.
Anna: I have a great apartment. I love my work. And I have awesome friends — both old and new. I am the luckiest woman in Washington, D.C.
(sound of thunder)
Anna: Until next time ?

Ok. That’s the conversation. Do you like it? Are you satisfied? What do you think about this speaking lesson? I hope by learning English here, your English skill be better. I hope you will always increase your English skill. And don’t forget to practice your English, because English is habit. If you always practice to speak English, I am sure you will master English. Actually, English in not difficult, English is very easy, if we learn English diligently. Ok, I think that’s all. See ya….

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British Course 1159 Articles
BRITISH Course Admin is an English teacher and undergraduate student of university in central java. English is a favorite lesson during admin's study. This site is a space to share English lesson to contribute in English development for English learner. Admin hopes this site can be useful for all of us.

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