Verb Classification Quiz

Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh😊


Task No. 156
Choose the Correct Answer for the Questions Below. It tests what you learned on the Verb Classification page.

This task is about Verb Classification. If you need reference about this material before do this task, you can visit :

Verb Classification

Answer the following questions.

Question 1

The grocery clerk will carry your bags out for you.

Question 2

The mail arrived after I left.

Question 3

That book you recommended sounds interesting.

Question 4

I don't want to fight about who gets the car.

Question 5

I have had this phone for two years.

Question 6

Jerry studies for three hours every day.

Question 7

Would you take a picture for us?

Question 8

I have already done my homework.

Question 9

I prefer cream rather than milk.

Question 10

We looked at all of the art in the museum.

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