The Story of the Mayor and Chair of the Chinese Women DPRD in the Political Arena

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Jakarta, – Two female politicians attended the “Chinese New Year with the Bulls” celebration held by the PDI-P DPP, Friday (12/2/2021). The two people are the Mayor of Singkawang, Tjhai Cui Mie and the Chairman of the Central Bangka DPRD, Me Hoa.

Tjhai Cui Mie talks about his journey to become mayor. Tjhai Cui Mie admits that the road is not easy. This is because his political opponents always make the factor of gender and Chinese background to influence society.

However, Tjhai Cui Mie said he was proud to be trusted by the Chairperson of the PDIP, Megawati Soekarnoputri, to advance the Singkawang Pilkada.

“Of course, thanks to Ms. Megawati Soekarnoputri for entrusting me to participate in the regional elections, and the entire Singkawang community for entrusting me,” said Tjhai.

Regarding the issue of women and then Chinese that were used by political opponents to attack him, Tjhai said that after the elections were over, everything returned to normal.

“There must be before the nomination, but once it is done, we are doing well. The important thing is we prove we are capable and able to work, “said Tjhai.

Me Hoa said the same thing. He has been a PDIP cadre for 12 years. According to him, being the chairman of the DPRD for women, especially Chinese, is not something easy. However, when his enthusiasm was working for Central Bangka, all was done.

“At first, I didn’t think about it, but we did it. Leading the session, associating with Forkopimda, establishing communication, leading friends in the DPRD, all of that as long as we remain angry, that’s normal, and everything goes well, we become leaders and can be trusted and there are no problems, ” said Me Hoa.

Me Hoa added that his experience so far in the DPRD Bangka is sufficient to become a reference to become chairman of the DPRD.

“This has never happened in Central Bangka, where a woman is the chairman of the DPRD,” said Me Hoa.



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