Speaking Practice – Lesson 24: Yesterday Was Amazing!

Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh😊


Hallo everybody.
In this afternoon, I want to share speaking lesson. I hope you will get help in learning English by reading this post. I want to share speaking lesson because speaking in very important in learning English. Good speaking skill show how well you master English. If you can speak English well, it means your English is good.

In this post, the speaking lesson is conversation about Yesterday Was Amazing!. And in this post, the conversation is completed with Mp3 that the Mp3 is spoken by Mrs. Anna Matteo. She is native English speaker from America. She also becomes the speaker in VOA.com. So, It is very good to learn English. Are you not patient to see the conversation, and study with Mrs. Anna Matteo. Oke, let’s check it out…

Anna: Yesterday was the most amazing day. I want to tell my friend back home about it. So, I am writing her a letter!
Anna: Dear Penelope,
Life in Washington, D.C. is interesting. I see something new every day — like yesterday. Yesterday started like a usual work day.
Anna: I said, “Yesterday started like a usual work day.”
Anna’s voice: I was at work. And I wanted a break. So, I walked and walked … and walked. Then, I saw something! It was a festival — a big festival!
Anna: It is the Smithsonian Folklife Festival.
Anna’s voice: Yes. It was the Smithsonian Folklife Festival. Every year the festival shows different cultures. This year one of the cultures was the Basque culture.
There was dancing and food and games!”
Anna: I am dancing a traditional Basque dance.
Anna’s voice: At the festival, I danced a traditional Basque dance!
Anna: They are cooking traditional Basque food.
Anna’s voice: They cooked a lot of traditional Basque food.
Anna: They are playing a game. It’s a kind of handball. What do they call it? They call it pilota!
Anna’s voice: They played a game with their hands and a small ball. It’s a kind of handball. But this game is called pilota.
Anna: This is beautiful! This is traditional Basque art.
Anna: They are making a traditional Basque ship. This festival is a lot of fun!
Anna’s voice: The whole day was a lot of fun!
Anna: Who said that? I want to write my friends and tell them about my day!
Anna: … So, I wanted to tell you about my day! Please, my friend, come visit Washington, D.C. soon. There is a lot to do! Until next time … Anna.

Ok. That’s the conversation. Do you like it? Are you satisfied? What do you think about this speaking lesson? I hope by learning English here, your English skill be better. I hope you will always increase your English skill. And don’t forget to practice your English, because English is habit. If you always practice to speak English, I am sure you will master English. Actually, English in not difficult, English is very easy, if we learn English diligently. Ok, I think that’s all. See ya….

Terima kasih atas kunjungannya. Semoga dengan berkunjung di website British Course ini sobat bisa makin cinta bahasa inggris, dan nilai bahasa inggris sobat semakin memuaskan. Dan semoga kita bisa belajar bahasa inggris bareng dan saling mengenal. Komentar, saran dan kritik dari sobat kami harapkan demi kemajuan website ini. Thanks..

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